What I learned is that there are 3 aspects to fear:
- Many people think fear is negative
- Misunderstanding what fear is
- How to handle fear
All of these aspects of fears, when understood, can lead you to many possibilities.
I want to very briefly give you an example of how you can overcome fear. Finally, I’ll give you 2 practical ways you can use that can give you some short-term benefit from fear.
1. Let’s take an example of the recent pandemic. First of all, this pandemic is real and that it has affected the lives of each and every one of us. Your fear is the virus itself. For many people, fear also became about loss of jobs, social aspects etc. So, your conditioned behavior disrupted financial and social relationship and impacted you in many ways internally… this created fear of insecurity.
2. So, this fear of insecurity has had 2 major impacts on you:
- The lack of trust within you
- Your mind and emotional aspects
The very first solution is start trusting your instincts – based on your belief patterns, where you are focusing yourself and putting your trust? By this I mean, are you putting too much focus on the problem and the consequences or are you focusing on the solutions?
Then, you listen to your mind and start paying attention to the thoughts and change the focus-play games, exercises, reading books or listening to something that interests you.
This will bring you thoughts of:
- Confidence
- Security
So, remember – you can only feel secured and trust in yourself when you turn to your beliefs, mind and feelings and work with them and then you can change many of your pre-conditioned patterns
Two Practical ways to benefit in short term
- Find your patterns – why you are afraid? Is it real that you are affected now by this fear-tell the truth. No, you are not. But you are using your thoughts as if you were.
Normally fear shows up in your stomach.
- Focus on it by just starring at your stomach, where the fear is coming from.
- Take a deep breath in, exhale and blow out the fear. Then inhale your strength, courage and bring them inside. See how you feel after doing this for 5 minutes.
- Once you’re done, say in your mind few times: I AM CONFIDENT, POWERFUL & STRONG – YES, YES, YES.
- This second example is when you’re at home and you can do this in silence.
Sit in a quiet place and turn off the lights. Just light 3 candles and keep them in a straight line and focus on the candles. Slowly take deep breaths and relax into the love in the area where you feel fear. Feel and imagine the fear dissolving.
Focus on the love surrounding you – and you will find that you will wake up feeling energetic and confident. Do this in the morning and before going to bed.
An Inspirational quote:
» Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that. » ~Martin Luther King
I have created 3 programs to mentor and teach many professionals and non-profession men, women and those interested in learning about and discovering their values and qualities that will allow you to accelerate to your new level.
Please refer to our website for more information about our programs for 10 weeks, 1-day or 2-day workshops or 3-day program for women.