This is realized through transformative education that connects you to your awareness, clarity, hidden talents and values of your essence living. This results in happiness, joy, wellbeing and much more. Amyn is a metaphysics/quantum physics teacher, mentor and advisor and brings over 35 years of his own experiential journey about crystal awareness. His transformational journal took him overcome many obstacles and challenges allowing his own qualities and hidden talents.
OUR transformative education PROGRAMS
Our Elite Program
« The Secrets of Empowering Yourself »
First be Understanding, then your Knowledge becomes Enlightened
Our Gold Program
« Beyond Struggle, Beyond Fears Success & Power »
Elegance of Possibilities and Potentials
Power of Emotional Openess
First Unlock Yourself, then Discover Your True Values

Amyn Lalani - CEO/Founder
Is CEO/Founder of Crystal Awareness Academy. The academy delivers and provides programs on Transformative Education to become aware, brings clarity and understanding for your wellbeing that results in allowing you to recognize your beauty, values , hidden talents and more about yourself.
My focus is on helping people, young and adult, professional and non-professional from different scope and areas to discover themselves with deeper understanding about their true intentions and being your authentic self with more love.
I lived in 3 continents Africa, North America and now Europe and brings wide spectrum of expertise and experiences.
- I am a metaphysics/quantum physics teacher, mentor and advisor (relationships between personality, consciousness and inner development) for 35 years in Canada, USA.
- I studied Enneagrams from a certified trainer in Canada and use in my work.
- I am a natural healer through emotional openness and participated in energy healing workshops.
- I am a certified master practitioner on NLP and attended workshops on NLP in UK, also researched on MBTI personalities and their differences about leadership, communication, team building and relationships.
I published an inspirational short book about Little Reflections-insights and discoveries –a new perspective about living a life after COVID 19.